That First Day Feeling

by David Shrewsbury



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/23/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781449712396
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781449712402
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781449712419

About the Book

Take a minute and reflect back on some of the most meaningful first time events in your life and your feelings on That First Day during or after the event. In this book, you will have the opportunity to bring those memories alive again as you read the stories of individuals from all walks of life and by seeing how scripture directs your walk each day just as it directed their walk that eventful first day for them. You are going to see how the choices you make in your life will direct the path you follow throughout your life here and for eternity. As you read the book, allow yourself to imerse in God's word through the scripture that relates to each section and tie that scripture into your own life events.

About the Author

David has been a Christian since the age of nine and has attended and been active in his church David enjoys taking scripture and relating it to his life and current events going on in the world. Over the past thirty five years David has taken on many leadership roles in church which has enriched his study and personal interpretation of God's Word. As David's life has progressed through the years, David has found that the memories and feelings he has are cherished more and more each day. When he shared some of his memories and feelings with family and friends, it became very evident that there is a need to have available a book that causes you to step back and reflect on your life, the memories, and feelings of those first day or first time events that you cherish and relate them to scripture verses. David has done that throughout this book. Currently David lives in Stallings, NC and attends church at First Baptist Church Indian Trail located in Indian Trail, NC. Through God's leadership and working with his pastor, David has been instrumental in beginning two new ministries in the church. The first ministry being the Intecessory Prayer Ministry and the second ministry being the New Beginnings Ministry, which is a ministry for the unemployed or those looking to make a change in career. David enjoys the challenge of taking on new ideas and turning them into reality. David has been married to the love of his life, Billie Jean, for 38 years and has two sons who are married and live close by.