The Kingdom of the Supernatural
Basic Instructions before Leaving Earth
Book Details
About the Book
This Book was birthed out of my Personal Relationship with My Lord and Savior. Let me assure you that God came to me first as a warning that I was going to go through many hardships, griefs, and trials. None of which I was expecting. He was preparing me for things I would have never been able to survive in my own strength. If He had not warned me of the hardships to come, it may had led me to my demise. "I'll always be with you, you'll never be alone." This was God saying to me " You are mine, I knew you before you were in your mothers womb." I am a chosen child of God, all I had to say was Yes, Lord, Yes! Knowing God is knowing my destiny! I hope this book will steer numerous people to their destiny with the ONE that trully loves you, unconditionally! I pursue Him with my whole heart, I want more and more of the love He has for me. I urge you all to pursue our Savior, He won't be hard to find. Just ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart, He will! My prayer is that everyone that reads this book will know they also have a Personal Savior and that this book will guide you to that reality. I trully beleive this book will take a Christian to a whole new level and bring a non-christian to their Salvation. This is my prayer.
About the Author
I grew up in a little, guiet, and peaceful town in Northern Virginia. My parent's owned the town's grocery store so I guess I knew about everyone that lived there. As I grew up I then got married and have three beautiful children, to my delight. We moved about an hour away and as my Children grew up and married, I am Blessed with Seven Wonderful Grandkids that I trully adore! Even in all my Bliss, I felt something was still missing. Until one day I heard the voice of God, He was preparing me for the many trials I was going to face. " I'll always be with you, you'll never be alone" was the rock I would stand on when I felt I was crumbling. I hear God's voice often and obey with my whole heart. He said I would write this book of my expieriences with Him and His words I would type as He walked with me through it. I have to chuckle a bit as I have hardly even read a book let alone write one! That's the POWER My God Gives! To God Be The Glory! May all that read this book learn to Hear His Voice!