Bridging the Gap

The First 6 Days

by H. Donald Daae P. Geol



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/19/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781449748159
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781449748166
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781449748142

About the Book

This book answers the exciting question as to the origin and history of the Earth from a geological and a biblical perspective. It reveals the astounding compatibility that exists between the record of geology and the record of the Bible. It reveals the result of a sovereign plan by the Amazing Architect and Creator of the Universe for this Earth. It also confirms the words of


Longfellow’s appeal to nature:

“Come walk with me,” she said,

“into regions yet untrod,

And read what is unsaid

In the manuscripts of God.”


The Earth has been a place of life and habitation since the beginning of the Archean Age. The questions arise: Who were the Earth’s First Inhabitants? When did ocean water first appear on Earth? When did the first species of plant and animal life appear on Earth? What was the dramatic Cambrian Explosion of Animal Life? How does this event relate to all future animal species? The December 1995 issue of Time Magazine entitled this event, “When Life Exploded.” It described the sudden Explosion of Animal Life as an amazing frenzy that changed our planet over night.


When did man and woman first appear on Earth? What were they like? What does the fossil evidence reveal?

About the Author

It all began in November of 1970 when I was asked to teach an adult class on Geology, Archaeology and the Bible at First Alliance Church in Calgary, Alberta. This teaching has extended to many churches, places and to the formation of Genesis International Research Association.