Revelation Revealed

A Guide to the Endtimes and the Apocalypse

by Rev. David D. Cook



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781449704698
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781449704575

About the Book

This is a short study of the book of Revelation in the order that revelation was written. Its purpose is to dispel the crippling division brought on by the two major eschatological views while bringing to light this prophecy by other New Testament scripture.

About the Author

Since my conversion at age ten I have had a hunger for understanding the principals of scripture. I accepted the call to preach the gospel at age 18 and have since pastored four small country churches. During these past 18 years I have not lost my love for the word of God or His people. I live in rural west Alabama in an old farming community just north of Gordo where I was raised, and have been blessed to see a little more of nature and the hand of God in creation than most. I have tried to expose my wife and two sons to this as much as possible. It has been a joy watchin them grow in the Lord. God has been very real to me since I was a child and has been more than just an idea or a distant entity. It has been refreshing in seeing that God has also revealed Himself to my sons in this manner as my oldest accepted the call to preach himself at the tender age of 15, and my youngest has found a love for using his talents as a singer and musician at 14. It is this relationship with a God that reveals Himself to children and adults alike that has drawn me to find His character and His word so fascinating. It is my desire that all who name the name of Christ be strngthened and encouraged through the study of scripture so that we can all stand together in this growing darkness that seems to be enveloping the Earth.