From Depression to Recovery:

How Surviving Hell’s Darkest Valley Led to Walking beside Jesus and Following the Light to His Mountaintop

by Dr. Aquilla Kirkland MIMS



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/22/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781449726522
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781449726539

About the Book

Dr. Aquilla Mims, President of MIMS DPT INC., is a retired university professor with forty-one years of service, research, and training in education. Aquilla has published numerous articles in the professional literature, presented papers and research locally, regionally, and nationally. She received 20 prestigious awards and held numerous offices at the university level and in professional organizations during her tenure as a university professor. Presently, Aquilla heads her corporation, contracts to conduct presentations, writes, travels and is very involved in assisting her son and daughter-in-law in raising her three grandchildren.

About the Author

Dr. Aquilla Mims, President of MIMS DPT INC., is a retired university professor with forty-one years of service, research, and training in education. Aquilla has published numerous articles in the professional literature, presented papers and research locally, regionally, and nationally. She received 20 prestigious awards and held numerous offices at the university level and in professional organizations during her tenure as a university professor. Presently, Aquilla heads her corporation, contracts to conduct presentations, writes, travels and is very involved in assisting her son and daughter-in-law in raising her three grandchildren.