A Living Epistle

Read by All Men

by LaToya C. Dotson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/2/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781449701055
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781449701062
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781449701048

About the Book

A Living Epistle, Read by All Men brings clarity to what it means to be a Christian and sets forth an expectation for those who profess the Christian faith. This book simplifies grace and mercy so that the average reader can understand reconciliation with God through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. This book also exposes carnality to help Christians understand the reality of thinking like the world. It further interprets mental anguish from a spiritual perspective so that the Body of Christ can overcome by tapping into a greater strength using the mind of Christ. Specifically, in Chapter 2 – Carnality Exposed, the writer uses the wisdom of God to explain the usefulness and availability of the mind of Christ and reveals the mechanics Satan uses to keep Christians thinking carnally. Even more specifically, the author explains how carnality destroys a person’s understanding, which prevents the truth about Jesus Christ through deception.

A Living Epistle, Read by All Men offers its reader fresh oils using the simplicity of the gospel. It further separates the doctrine of Christ from false doctrine by pointing out key doctrinal tricks used by Satan in an attempt to hinder the truth about Jesus. Specifically, the author makes several distinctions about false prophets, false prophecy, and false doctrine so that readers can separate the doctrinally correct from the doctrinally incorrect. The author also humanized certain points of the book, humoring it so that readers can grasp the context of the message.

A Living Epistle, Read by All Men comes to: Bring a fresh revelation from the Word of God to spiritually enrich, encourage, and exhort the Body of Christ. Make a distinction between those who follow Christ and those who do not follow Christ so that people can choose Jesus Christ over the world and the anti-Christ. Lift up the bloodstained banner of the gospel of Jesus Christ so that people may experience for themselves the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe.

Unbelievers do not know Jesus Christ neither can they discern Him. The gospel of Jesus Christ is foolishness to them, but to us who have salvation, it reveals the power of God. Non-believers may never attend church, go to a prayer conference, or read the Holy Bible. For many, reading the life of an authentic Christian is reading the Bible because Jesus goes forth from that life. Christian Believers are living messages of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is important for Christian Believers to spread the message of Jesus uncompromisingly, with authentic love, characteristically both in speech and in conduct.

About the Author


LaToya C. Dotson emerges as a new-style philanthropist, following the leadership footsteps of her role model, Philanthropist Marian Heard (prior President and CEO of the United Way Foundation), breaking fallow ground, chasing the will of God for her life. At the age of six, while playing in the backyard of her childhood home, LaToya saw a glimpse of her future. Occasionally, she and her siblings played board games on a three-foot-by-three-foot concrete stump located in the backyard. One day, while alone, LaToya stood on that concrete stump as if performing on center stage in front of masses of people, unknowing that God was preparing her for a Christ-like platform before the world. Standing on that concrete stump (the rock) represented her foundation in Jesus Christ.

LaToya C. Dotson is a Christian innovator who brings fresh oil to the Body of Christ using the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The sealing of her life by the Spirit of God authenticates her as one of Christ’s Epistles.

Professionally, LaToya currently serves as founder and CEO of Restore The Youth, Inc., a nonprofit rehabilitation organization purposed to combat behavioral delinquency among adolescents. For more information about Restore The Youth you can visit www.restoretheyouth.org.

For future writings and material updates from LaToya C. Dotson, please visit the author’s web site at www.dotsonwritings.com.