I have written this book by divine inspiration from the Lord. The Lord has spoken to me over the past six years on several occasions. He has given me insight, through prophetic words and Scriptures, into the timeframe we are entering. This book is not intended to impart mere knowledge; however, we do grow in knowledge as we encounter the Lord through his teachings. This book is an invitation to encounter the Lord in a much bigger way, an invitation to a much deeper Love than we have yet tasted, and an invitation to the door that is now open to our generation. Not all will enter this door. Many will be invited and even aroused at the burning touch of grace on their hearts, yet not say yes to Love. This invitation is a gateway to a deeper Love and understanding than we have yet known, and it is only accessed through Love. Over the ages, men and women have encountered the Lord in amazing ways. The Scriptures are full of these encounters. There are those who have been to the heavens and lived to tell about it, humbled by the unspeakable beauties they have seen. Some have gazed on the glorious throne of God, and others have encountered saints who have passed on before us. Many have had angel visitations, and then there are those whose eyes have been opened to hosts of warring angels.
I personally desire to behold the wonders and beauties of the heavenly realm, to see the twenty-four elders, to have angel visitations, and even behold the battles that go on in the heavenlies on behalf of the sons of men. I have prayed for several years for such encounters. I believe what I read in the Scriptures, and my God isn’t limited to yesterday. We serve a living God who is ever present. More than anything, however, I want to encounter Jesus face to face. I want to look into his eyes and touch his face. John looked into the eyes of Jesus. Thomas touched the holes in his hands. Our God doesn’t love these men more than he loves us, and he is no respecter of persons. In fact, he says, “Be it unto you according to your faith.”
I am afraid, yet excited, about what I have discovered. But this invitation is not only for a few, it is for our generation.
Say yes to Love! Pursue him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Hold nothing back! Open your heart completely to him. He is about to sweep us off our feet!
Many will be carriers of his glory because we will encounter the Glorious One himself and live to tell about it. This encounter is more than mere salvation, although salvation in itself is glorious. This is encountering the one who loved us enough to give his life for us.
The kingdom is truly at hand for all those who will say yes to Love, and Love is the reality of Jesus Christ himself.
Will you say yes to Love?