Blue-Collar Believer

by Chaplain William H. Schnakenberg IV



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/24/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781512753981
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781512753998

About the Book

This book is written from a personal “coming of age” perspective. It shares the many years and stages of a non-believer and the radical transformation to a believer. Though many of the stories can be quite embarrassing for the author at times, he feels it is imperative to share his memories, leaving nothing out, with a no holds barred approach revealing a lifestyle worth of much shame. The transformation is the key to the story, as he is led by the Holy Spirit. As his story develops, life then takes on new meaning and he admires how God works His providence, trusting in His will to be done. Lives can change, as you will see, but that does not mean there won’t be opposition. As you will come to learn through Blue Collar Believer, sometimes the biggest obstacles come with the ones you love the most. It takes the reality of life, which is death, and this is the only tool to give the afterlife serious thought. Though we can appeal to the intellect, it is up to the Holy Spirt to convict the heart. As an ambassadors for Christ, we must always be ready for opportunities to defend the gospel, showing love and compassion. We live in a lost and dying world, and if only it were easy to share the Gospel and get a positive response 100% of the time, but as you will see, this just not is the case. Jesus said, “He who has ears, let him hear.” Unfortunately most ears who “hear” are deaf, but that does not mean we give up. Persistence and love for the lost can do wonders and all things are possible with God. Journey with Blue Collar Believer, from beginning to end and be guided on a tour with a testimony that will not soon be forgotten. It is an emotional roller coaster, filled with many ups and downs. You will laugh, you will cry, but more importantly, it will get you to think. If you have to see it to believe it, get ready to experience it for yourself through the words of a Blue Collar Believer.

About the Author

“Chaplain Bill’s voice is unparalleled. Though most Christian authors share long lists of academic credentials, his would be among the shortest, as scholarly degrees are not a part of his outline. What clearly makes his writing distinctive is that his audience noticeably senses his divine duty to write and recognizes the “something special” that stands out within his words. Though he has obtained various specialized academic certificates, his main credentials are from his life experiences, which cannot be earned in a classroom setting, but only through intimate personal encounters. When getting to know him through Blue Collar Believer, the reader soon discovers that he has a charismatic personality, which he feels is absolutely guided by the Holy Spirit. Readers will be pleasantly surprised that someone who was called into the ministry in his thirties is truly doing the Lord’s will, and lack of education is not a hindrance in using his talents and spiritual gifts as an Ambassador of Christ. He hopes to inspire others to do the same; when all they hear is the world saying “No,” God, CAN and WILL use that someone and say ““Yes”.”