My Soul Sings for You

Spiritual Peace in the Life and Times of Now

by Anthea Gillian Tripp



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781973672340
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781973672333
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781973672357

About the Book

Do you dream of a simpler life? Are constant demands and nonstop busyness stealing your joy?

Welcome to the life and times of now. Sometimes, amid the clatter of life, we sense a whisper from the depths of our being, imploring us to stop—to seek peace and restoration. We may acknowledge the fervent pleas, yet we’re unable to devote time and attention to our souls. As we juggle the demands and priorities of life, we disregard the spiritual essence of who we are, and whose we are. We neglect our souls. Unrequited, they thirst on.

My Soul Sings for You characterizes the world today. Valuable lessons about family and life in all its glory are gift wrapped in true short stories to awaken your soul and restore your spiritual peace. Refreshingly raw and real, these writings will evoke strong emotions that touch your heart. As you resonate with the storylines, you’ll laugh at the humor in situations, shed tears of sorrow at life’s losses, and rejoice in the triumphs. With your faith renewed, you’ll marvel at unexpected miracles. Your hope will soar to new heights. You’ll experience the beauty of unconditional love and joy.

There is no distinct beginning or ending to this book. Pick it up whenever you have a small block of time to read a topic that speaks to your heart. Be still for a moment or two. It’s time for your soul to sing again.

About the Author

Anthea Gillian Tripp gracefully weaves inspirational messages and impactful life lessons into true short stories. Authentic and unflinching in her passionate writing style, she awakens the soul with timely topics about life’s defining moments. She runs Anthea’s Anthology, a blog where she pours out her heart in words. Anthea is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother, and she is an ardent advocate for healthy living. She and her husband, Chuck, cofounded Get Super Healthy.