Hold My Hand, Lord!

My Journey Through Cancers

by Gwen Hensley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/15/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781973658382
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781973658375
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781973658399

About the Book

If you have ever been discouraged and frightened by a life-threatening prognosis of cancer or any other debilitating disease, Gwen’s story will inspire you as she tells how she coped with several cancers, recurrences of cancers, different types of treatments to rid her body of those cancers, and the side effects or after effects of those same treatments.

Gwen Hensley’s story covers the portion of her life from 1975 to August 2009. This testimony of her journey includes her thoughts, feelings, prayers, and actions as the cancers invaded her body.

About the Author

Gwen Hensley is a God-fearing woman who has been attacked by three different types of cancer and three recurrences of one cancer. Because of Gwen’s faith in her Lord, positive attitude, and determination to survive, her doctors suggested she write her story to encourage others also going through traumatic diagnoses. Hold My Hand, Lord! is her first published writing. Gwen does not claim to be an author. She is simply speaking to you through her words, as if she were visiting at your kitchen table and drinking a cup of coffee or tea with you.
Gwen is a native of Kansas. As she says, “I was born, bred, wed, and widowed right here in Kansas.” She now lives by herself in the country near Rose Hill. She and her late husband had planned on retiring there. Her five children keep very good watch of her. They and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren are her joy. She remains involved in Bible studies in her church and still does volunteer work.
Gwen shares her faith, as well as her journey through cancers, with everyone she can. She encourages others to put their trust in the only One who can truly help, our Lord God Almighty.
As King David spoke in song to the Lord on the day the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, Gwen, too, sings praises to her Savior for delivering her from her enemy, cancer. As she continues on her life’s journey, she prays that you will be encouraged by her words, and that in your life’s journey, you will also ask:
“Hold My Hand, Lord!”