Book Reviews

A book review is an excellent way to generate interest for your title because a lot of potential readers rely on the opinion of experts to determine what new releases to consider reading or purchasing. Westbow Press offers distinct review services to help you gauge how the market will respond to your book by getting literary experts to critique it.

Literary Achiever Bundle

Literary awards aren't just adornments on book covers. A stamp of approval can help boost credibility, create intrigue, and even widen your readership. Find award opportunities and submit your nomination easily using an intelligent matching platform, get your book reviewed by the US Review of Books and nominated in the Eric Hoffer awards --- all in one marketing service, the Literary Achiever.

Indie Book Review Bundle

Give your book an extensive book review and a chance to be promoted in Publishers Weekly with our Indie Book Review Bundle.

The Trifecta Review Service

Have your book critiqued by three of the industry’s renowned reviewers with the Trifecta Review. You will receive an honest, unbiased assessment of your work from Kirkus Indie Review, Clarion Review and BlueInk Review.

Kirkus Indie Review

Have a seasoned book reviewer provide a detailed critique of your work, and you can use positive excerpts on your marketing materials, website and more.