The Moderator

Valley of Human Struggle

by Braxton King



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/3/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781512771282

About the Book

The author has put together basis and advance guidelines for a district association. He points out very vividly that there are divine requirements to be learned and followed by the person seeking the office of moderator. There are requirements, dedications, trust in an almighty God, and belief in the word of God. He must learn to listen to God and make no mistakes as to who he is listening to. He must never hear Satan and believe that God is speaking to him.

About the Author

The author has been a part of the district association ever since he was twelve years old. His dad was a preacher and pastor for many years. He worked in the association for a long time, studying and teaching. The author observed twenty years ago how leadership drove churches from the association without a thought or concern for the lost churches.

The author lives in the Dallas, Texas, area where he received his degree in organization management from Paul Quinn College, Dallas, Texas. He has a diploma in Christian education from D. Edwin Johnson Bible College and a bachelor of science from Mountain View College. He served in the military for eight years and worked for Vought Aircraft for thirty-two years.