
How is the price of my book determined?

Book price is determined by page count...

How does WestBow Press calculate royalty payments?

Please note that Royalties are paid to you...

Can I change the price of my book later?

After the Retail Price is set, we reserve...

How am I paid for my royalties?

Royalties are calculated on a calendar quarter basis

How much do I make from the sale of each copy?

You can review your royalty amounts using the Reports...

How often do you send out royalty payments?

Check out our Quarterly Schedule for royalty payments

What do I do if there is an error on my check?

When reviewing your quarterly statement...

Will I be able to see who ordered my book?

Unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, we cannot...

What should I do if I do not receive my royalty statement?

If you do not receive your royalty statement...